Six-Word Saturday: 16 Tammuz, 5770

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buns 001That’s a lot of potato buns.


(38, to be exact)

These are for the community fun fair tomorrow afternoon.  I mixed the dough last Thursday, before we left for Ottawa.  It’s been in the freezer all week, and I took it out yesterday afternoon to thaw.  It handled beautifully this evening:  very wet and sticky, but I managed to tame that with a bit of flour. 

I showed Ted a “rustic” bun and a regular round bun and he preferred the rustic model, so that’s what I went with, shaping them quickly by rolling baguettes and just slicing them with the bench scraper. 

Tomorrow, I plan to bake strawberry streusel muffins and vegan brownies.  And sell tomato plants.  And maybe, just maybe, if I get up the energy, pack up and sell beer bread mix (mix = all ingredients except the beer!). 

I figure I can measure out the ingredients batch by batch, then quickly whirl them in the food processor to save time.  Measure, whirl, bag.  I already made up an instruction sheet!


I’d love to bag the kit in paper lunch bags, but may have to go with plastic just in case of rain or other wetness.  Cloth would be utterly charming, but NO, I’m not doing cloth bags.

Now I’m excited!  I hope somebody shows up for this thing…


  1. Mmm, potato buns. And strawberry streusel muffins? Sounds lovely. Thanks for playing 6WS!


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