Sending Chanukah out with a sizzle…

…The sizzle of deep-frying donuts / sufganiyot, of course:  one last hurrah!

Further to the sort-of unloved no-knead Pain au Chocolat from a few weeks ago, I decided that the dough, being not quite sweet enough for my family, would make an excellent chocolate donut.  Donuts being deliberately NOT sweet but fried, and dusted lightly with sweetness on the outside.  You don’t want a donut to be sweet all the way through.

No time for adding comments, but basically I made the chocolate dough as called for here, subbing oil for the butter, which did change the texture of the dough a bit.  Still, I found it very workable and the donuts were yummy!  Will add more comments later if I have a chance!!!

Here they are, start to finish, donuts, donut holes (I fried them up separately rather than reroll them), and all:

chanukah over 010 chanukah over 011 chanukah over 012 chanukah over 013 chanukah over 015 chanukah over 016 chanukah over 017

Mmm, mmm, good…!!!


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